What is warehouse exchange ?

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warehouse exchange

The web-based warehouse exchange is a warehouse search engine. Through this exchange, idle warehouses and warehouse spaces are brokered. Service providers are used to organize the free capacities of the platform along with all relevant information. Companies that have property but do not have sufficient and/or suitable logistics space can meet their logistics space needs through a stock exchange. A targeted search yields results sufficiently suitable for the goods to be stored. For this purpose, the user enters the desired criteria into the search engine based on warehouse usage, such as warehouse type, size or location. The underlying system calculates the matches between the bid and the demand for registered free warehouse capacities. With the help of a web-based warehouse exchange, companies can eliminate possible warehouse problems quickly and flexibly. On the other hand, idle waiting times can be prevented and capacities can be better utilized. The chances of finding suitable solutions on the warehouse exchange are higher the larger and more comprehensive the bidding pool. Warehouse spaces are not only needed by transport and logistics companies, a warehouse exchange is also interesting for other sectors.

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